10 Questions To Ask When Choosing A Tree

  1. What do you want the tree to do? Provide cooling shade, add beauty, color accent, hide something, stem erosion, buffer noise, block wind?
  2. Will it conflict with any overhead wires, underground cables, sewers or basements? Look to the sky before you plant.
  3. What will the tree look like when it is fully grown? Keep it to scale with adjacent buildings.
  4. How long will it take to reach its full size? Some species grow faster than others.
  5. What are the physical characteristics of the tree: small, medium or large? Falling leaves or flowers? Fall color?
  6. Does the tree grow well where I live? Don't fight Mother Nature.
  7. Is it far enough away from the house, sidewalk, neighbors, other trees? Plan ahead.
  8. Will it block any windows when it reaches full size? Do you want privacy or view?
  9. How will it fit in? Will it drop leaves into a swimming pool or shade a vegetable garden?
  10. What kind of special care, if any, does it require? Understand your obligations up front.